Monday, July 13, 2009

Around the house......

She really likes to get uderneath things... we don't know why because she almost always ends up bumping her head!

Pulling up on a stool...

Our dreaded "nap-time." If this picture only had sound.

She is literally fighting sleep....

Look how tired that little face is!

Well, little Claire is crawling now and really keeping us on our feet. Somehow, children automatically are programmed to go straight to the electrical sockets, cords, fireplace, and anything else dangerous!! It's like, "Forget about the toy, bring on the appliances!" So, we are definitely getting our work out. She also has began to think that she can last all day without sleeping. Of course, this idea of hers does NOT work and at about 2:00 p.m., she turns into miss grouchy pants. This has went on for a little over a week and we hope it ends soon!! Here are some pictures that we have taken throughout the past week.

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