Last Friday, Rob surprised me with a back to school present. I thought it was just a book or something, being that I've never gotten a back to school present before. Well, I really have to brag on him because he put a lot of thought into this... he put little notes all around the house and sent me on a scavenger hunt. When I finally
figured out all of the clues, the last place to look was the closet where we keep all of our pictures and photo albums. When I opened the closet, there was a new camera inside! Not just any camera... but a great one. We looked at some this summer but I really didn't think he would break down and buy the one I really liked. He bought a cannon rebel and so far it has taken some great pictures! It's able to snap a shot really quickly...which is the great thing I liked about it since I have a little girl named Claire, who is never still for a moment! I've been playing around with it and so far here are some pictures I've taken. So hopefully, our blog will "kick it up a notch" thanks to the new camera and my wonderful hubby! :)
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