Friday, April 1, 2011

Homeade Pizza Night!

So I have to brag on Rob because he has been helping a lot this week with dinner! If you didn't know, we spent last Saturday night at St. Vincent's because I was having contractions. I had a couple of doses of a drug that stopped them and I have been fine since, but I'm just taking it a little easier. As a 1st grade teacher, it's not like I can just sit back at work and kick up my feet, so when I get home in the afternoons, I'm trying to rest a little more than ususal. This week has been fine, no contractions...... but my wonderful husband is still helping out a ton! Here are some pictures of Rob and Claire making homeade pizzas.... Claire has gotten to where she thinks she has to sit on the counter and have a "hands on experience" everytime you cook. So here she is, diving into the dough with Dad. They were really cute to watch. :)

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