Saturday, July 30, 2011

You've got a friend in me

Well if you are at all familiar with children's songs or movies, you know exactly what I'm talking about. About a month ago, we DVR'd (ok, i've never actually written that word so spelling??) the movie Toy Story 3.... Claire has never been one to just sit in front of the TV. We've tried to get her to like shows and movies, but nothing floats her boat.......until now. She didn't move the entire time Toy Story 3 was on. She woke up the next morning talking about "that monkey screamin!" So, I searched and found out when Toy Story 1 and 2 were coming on and I DVR'd those as well. Good idea you may think???????? Good idea if you want the mommy to go CRAZY! Since June 14th, we have watched one of the Toy Story's at least once a day. Thank God there are three of them so we can swap them up.... I don't know how parents do it when their child is addicted to just one movie! Well, everything is Toy Story now..... I mean, I've never seen anything like it! This past Monday, Claire had a dentist app. and Rob and I had talked about getting her a Woody doll.... so, since she was incredible that day behavior wise, we stopped on the way home and got a Woody doll. There are no words to express the smile on her sweet face when she saw him and we took him out of the box. She played with him the entire way home and when we pulled up at the house, she said, "Woody, this my house, this my outside,this my big hill, this my daddy's truck... and daddy's truck red, let's go inside woody! Needless to say, she has a new friend!

1 comment:

April said...

i feel your pain because eli watches that elmo video you got him over and over and over. he watches it in the car on repeat! chris and i almost went crazy on the trip to and from mobile. i'm pretty sure we saw it 55 lie. so know that was the most used present eli has ever got.