Thursday, September 27, 2012


So I know I'll never be able to keep all of Claire's stuff she makes at school... some of it is so cute... especially at this stage where she is learning so much.
Here is her "All About Me" poster....
Learning to write the Letter E... don't you love the amount of legs it has!  I asked her about it and she said, "I know, I can't write it, but I can write 'C', that's what I wrote those up there."

While learning about the letter E, the learned about England.  Claire said, "They drink lots and lots of tea there.  I had to color the teacups that were alive."  After reading the direction, I figured out she meant "alike"    :)

She learned about which animals lay eggs and which do not... she kept telling me, dogs just have dogs.  I thought, yup, that's pretty much how it happens.

She's getting so big.... can't believe she already know how to do things like this.
Love her so much!

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