Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Time!

So it's that time of the year that everyone is going pumpkin crazy!  I mean, is it just me or does every year get more and more pumkin decorations?  Well, I jumped on board and took some pictures of my own two little pumkins...........
The beginning of our little photo shoot in the yard went well... I guess the first 10 seconds you could say. 
The peacefullness ended when Clymer decided to see...........


how many pumpkins.............

he could................



Now, let's make a run for it!

This sweet girl was watching from the sides and decided to get in on the fun.....doesn't she look like a little girl here... no toddler face anymore... not even a little  :(

Claire makes picking up the pumpkin look like a breeze......

But did you know she could balance it on her head........

or that Clymer was a little punkin' head himself..........

Happy Fall Ya'll!

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