Thursday, December 13, 2012


Sorry this post is a little late! But each time I tried to blog, it kepst saying I had used all of my photo storage???? Who knows... I uploaded today and just fine.  I never realized a blog had a limit!
Well, for Thanksgiving, we had a FANTASTIC time down at my parents! We had lots of food, family time and fun.  It's been a while since we had spent Thanksgiving there so it was so nice!
Here is a pic of Claire and NaNa cooking some of the food the day before.  Lots of time was spent in the kitchen.... this little gal likes to cook :)

This is a fantastic lady! Aunt Al is 84(?) and still going strong.  She's always been there for my family and it is such a joy that she has gotten to know my little ones as well.  Claire took right up with her so of course that made her day.  We are just sad we live so far away but thankful that we got to spend Thanksgiving with her.

If you know my family, you know wildlife is always part of things.  We have a place on some family property called "Hog Hill."  For years and years, we've been able to go out, put corn in troughs, go back to your car and sit and wait...... then the deer come!  They aren't scared of cars because they know this is safe place.  When Rob and I started dating, he didn't believe me when I told him this.  He laughed and thought I was telling a story.... he has to see it for himself to believe it :)  The first time I took him we counted over 100 deer!  We had talked the week before t--giving and said how we really wanted the kids to see it....... so, that Saturday out we went!  The kids loved it and the deer didn't run off until Clymer blew the horn by accident! :)  We can't wait to take him when he gets older... he loved it now but I know he will really enjoy it in a few years.  Claire thought it was great too! :)

We are Thankful for so much..... now for the most wonderful and craziest time of the year :) Christmas!!! Just glad I am pretty much done with my shopping, most presents are wrapped, cards have been sent out and goodies made!  My goal this year is to just ENJOY this wonderful time and soak in every moment. I'm sure it will be a very exciting Christmas morning this year... if you can't tell... I'm just a tad bit excited :) 

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