Friday, November 16, 2012

Fall Party!

Every October, that lovely holiday comes along called Halloween.  As a kid, I never really celebrated it... we always did fun things but never called it Halloween or never "Trick or Treated."  I know, I know, I have so many friends who have made a face and said, "well we just do it for fun".. and I know they are thinking we are strange but that's just how we are!  Luckily, I married into a wonderful family who sees eye to eye with the exact same thought of... what are we celebrating?  It's just an odd spritual holiday that we really don't want our kids to think we are "ok" with.  It has a lot of weird roots............... anyway I could go on but I'll spare you :)
Last year we tried going to the Baptist Church, they have a HUGE festival but still people came dressed as really weird things and one kid running around with fake blood and a knife scared Claire.  Heather and Anderson handed out candy but she ran into kinda the same issue, you never knew what was coming to the door!  That week she said, from now on, I'm having my own party and it's going to be fun and I'm doing it every year... I said I'll help and so here was the first attempt!  We had a costume party, hayride LOTS of food, candy and treats, movie, bouncie house and bonfire where smores were roasted.  Sorry there are no pics from the Bonfire, partly because it was enormous and we were having to watch all of the kids closely!! :)

Cutest soccer player around.....
Some of the kiddos.......

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